Workshops provide an opportunity to put printing history into physical practice. Working directly with participants, time on press, with type and ink allows for an deeper understand of context within which historical wood type worked. Honorariums and fees vary depending on the session length and group size. Kindly inquire at
Previous workshops include:
“Linguistic futurology / Projective etymology workshop.” School of Art + Design, Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana.
“Physical observation workshop: form identification through observation, analysis, documentation and comparison.” Wayzgoose 2014, Hamilton Wood Type & Printing Museum, Visiting Instructor, Two Rivers, Wisconsin.
“Wood Type Posters.” Museum of Printing History, Visiting Instructor, Houston Texas.
“Short. Sharp. Sentences. The (un)intentions of visual rhetoric.” Center for Book and Paper Arts, Columbia College, Visiting Instructor, Chicago, Illinois.
“Visualizing Sound.” Syracuse University, School of Art & Design, Visiting Designer, Syracuse, New York.